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At Eastport, we aim to be your keel, as on a boat – your point of balance, giving you directional stability. We help you get beyond thinking of money as the deep and unpredictable water you’re in. With our knowledge as your ballast, money can be the body that buoys you, propelling your good and purpose-rich life.

Keel Magazine

Fourth Quarter image

Eastport Market and Economic Summary – January 2024

The start and end of 2023 presented starkly different scenarios for investors. The year began with trepidation following a tumultuous 2022 but concluded on a high note as inflation slowed and equities yielded substantial returns.

Navigating Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Navigating Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) in Canada

The stock market has long been a way to make additional income, with some investors making significant gains on their investments. However, stocks tend to be volatile, especially in today’s economic climate.

Compound Growth

How To Take Advantage Of Compound Growth?

Compound growth is an often reliable and secure way of expanding your wealth, by making an investment where the return you get grows and grows with each payout.

 Eastport has 14th Annual Turkey Drive

Eastport has 14th Annual Turkey Drive!

Turkey Drive LogoEastport Financial held our annual turkey drive again this year, handing out turkey dinners to families so that they can celebrate Christmas at home. Another amazing event, and the drive was full of Christmas cheer spread out over two days. This year, we served the Halifax, Dartmouth, Bridgewater, and Lewisporte, Newfoundland areas.

Creating a Family Limited Partnership

The Benefits of Creating a Family Limited Partnership

If you and your family are running a business or have significant investments, and you’re looking for a way to organize, protect, and streamline your family interests, then one of the better options is a Family Limited Partnership, or ‘FLP’ for short.

Tightrope walker

Strategic Portfolio Management: Creating a Balance

When it comes to investments, there’s no doubt it’s important to look at the return on investment, but when you’re considering the overall investment or enterprise, you need to think beyond that.

Shami Hordagoda becomes a Canadian Citizen

Shami Hordagoda becomes a Canadian Citizen!

Shami moved to Halifax from Sri Lanka and she loves working at Eastport. Often the first point of contact with our clients, Shami makes people feel welcome while serving as Executive Assistant to Jonathan.

quarterly report September 2023

Matthew Jenkinson, President of the Eastport Private Investment Counsel, provides our September 2023 Video Quarterly Update.

In this Video Quarterly Report, Matthew dives into Benchmarking and why it is important for an investment portfolio. He also provides an economic update with a discussion around a Bar chart of the 5-year yield from 1990-2011 vs 2011 to present.

Deciphering the Tax Implications of Annuities in Canada

Deciphering the Tax Implications of Annuities in Canada

Annuities can form a great source of income, especially for those looking for regular and structured retirement income. However, just because it is considered widely as a form of retirement income does not necessarily mean annuity payments are not subject to tax.

Third Quarter image

Eastport Market and Economic Summary – October 2023

Equities in the U.S., Canada, and globally began the quarter on a positive note but faded in August and September, resulting in negative returns. However, year-to-date, equity markets remain in positive territory. Bond markets saw U.S. and Canadian yields rise due to credit rating downgrades and inflation concerns. Both presenting cheap buying opportunities for the long-term investor.

Corporate Class Mutual Funds

Understanding Corporate Class Mutual Funds: A Hidden Gem in Investment

If you are seeking a tax-efficient option for your non-registered investments, Corporate Class Mutual Funds might just be a gem of an investment for you. Those of you that are seeking to actively reduce your tax burden are likely already investing heavily in Registered Retirement Saving Plans (RRSPs) and Tax-Free Saving Accounts (TFSAs). However, these accounts have limitations and depending on your income level may only be able to shield a fraction of your income from taxes.

Real Estate Investment Trusts

A Deep Dive into Canadian Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real Estate Investment Trusts, or ‘REITs’ for short, are a great way for investors to expand their investment portfolio and include real estate, without having to own, manage, or finance any actual real estate property.

However, like any other investment, it pays to do your research and you should be aware of the dynamics of your investment. To that end, we will be discussing REITs in detail today, including what factors to look at depending on the type of REIT you’re investing in.

We’ll also discuss the benefits of REITs and some other key considerations you should keep in mind before you decide to invest.

Estate freeze

Navigating the Complexity Of Estate Freezes in Canada

As a Canadian business owner, or as the holder of shares in a company, if you’re looking for an effective strategy for tax and succession management, then an estate freeze is one option you can exercise.

Through an estate freeze, you can limit income tax on future capital gains, reduce probate fees, and pass control to the next generation of your family in a tax-efficient manner.

Today we’ll be discussing what an estate freeze exactly is, how it works, its benefits, and whether you should consider an estate freeze for your assets.

quarterly report june 2023

Matthew Jenkinson, President of the Eastport Private Investment Counsel, provides our June 2023 Video Quarterly Update.

After battling Covid19, the world today is faced with a new type of threat - an all-out inflation pandemic! Every day, we hear news of prices soaring for even basic commodities, such as food and clothing, and many families struggling to make ends meet. Almost everything today is more expensive than it once was and that is due in part to inflation.

Inflation on groceries

How Does Inflation Impact Your Retirement?

After battling Covid19, the world today is faced with a new type of threat - an all-out inflation pandemic! Every day, we hear news of prices soaring for even basic commodities, such as food and clothing, and many families struggling to make ends meet. Almost everything today is more expensive than it once was and that is due in part to inflation.

How Do Taxes Impact My Investment Portfolio

How Do Taxes Impact My Investment Portfolio? A Guide For Canadians

Canada has a graduated or progressive tax system whereby, the more money you make the more you pay in taxes. This is why Canadian investors and high-net-worth individuals have to be extremely careful in terms of how they invest and what they invest in. The tax repercussions of their investment decisions can easily result in them paying out most of their gains in taxes with little to no financial reward.

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